I feel like I'm swimming in your neurons!
I feel like I'm swimming in your neurons!
Wow! I love the lilt! I am legit jigging!
And the progression throughout chord-wise, layer-wise, and otherwise-wise kept me very engaged. It feels like a song song!
I love this so much I might have to go down-star all your other stuff..
jk wuv u stuffbox
Aaaa law this is sum else!
So perfect and cute and chill
that is until the *SQUISH* sfx midway through, that was SO uncalled for!!!
I love it
every instrument you shift to sounds so good
i've always been mighty partial to accordion when it comes to synth sounds
and that kind of hesitation at the end of every bar
I don't know what you call that even
what do you call that even
but it makes it really interesting to listen to
not the kind of thing I hear much in electronic music where it's easy to have a perfect beat
good stuff
hot stuff
bye bye
The main melody thing is almost completely off beat if I remember correctly, I like that it almost changes speed depending on my mood. I'd like to make a more developed version of this because this is practically a demo, but it felt right to post for emotional closure's sake. Thanks so much chimpy! : )
how you make synth brass sound so good!! i love this so much
Gosh I love this it makes me want to be a ninja turtle in a side scroller with my ninja turtle bros beating up a whole screen-full of beanies
You know what I did? I saved the file and broke them up into their tracks and put it on my phone's January playlist, and so for the past couple weeks when I put my music on shuffle, your stuff keeps popping up in between all the orchestral music I listen to... it makes me giggle.
Some favs:
Haywire Horny is a fav.
I DOn't kNOW is a super fav that I ask for by name.
And No Slice, No dice!... according to the play count I've listened to that 16 times in the last 11 days o_O It makes me imagine a loading screen with a funny robot.. like the load/save screen from Mario Paint but funnier
Oh and your titles are wonderful as ever.
Thank you for another journey through your robot music land! I very enjoy it!
EDIT: The nuzzlers just came on! I love the nuzzlers! I love the instruments and I love how it blossoms and makes me want to hear it keep blossoming. OK for real i'm done now bye
i saw the title and thought, hmm let's dig through hotstuff's poo, i bet there's gold nuggets in it
but turns out it's like.. *solid* gold, and i wonder how you even pooped it out in the first place
And dang am i glad Chutney convinced you to. This seems like a perfect way for you to release stuff. And not agonize over making a perfect "single" every time (if you ever agonize, idk). I love hearing a minute-long beat just do what it was born to do and then flow to the next one. Which some of them flow so nicely, you'd think it was a 2nd movement to the same song... which I really like, I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.
"Hello" made me lol.
"Interlude #4" made me lol.
"Bitturgoi" is such a highlight for me. There's a whole cartoon there
"how" might be the track that makes me wish it would keep going and developing. I love what's there.
and dang.. couldn't help but draw robots while listening to this
your music really fits your OC
which i guess makes sense since they came from the same place
(your funny head)
gosh i hope you do more of these. OH HEY YOU HAVE BYE NOW
Joined on 11/13/20